Week 6: DIT & Dinners: July 15


Hi everyone, and welcome back to the blog!

On Tuesday, July 11th, we had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology, where Dr. John Msumba cheerfully gave us an introductory presentation and a tour of the facilities. We were able to meet so many new people and learn about some of the incredible projects that DIT students are undertaking. Dr. Msumba’s presentation explained to us the type of curriculum that DIT students engage in. Specifically, he described the project-forward engagement approach, in which students actively work on projects outside of the classroom to better understand their coursework. One such project, which I found fascinating, was students participating in the renovation of one of the roads nearby campus; Dr. Msumba described how students were involved in every part, from designing the plan to even making the concrete mixer! This approach was so unique to me, and I definitely am hoping to take more project-forward classes at Rice, including the other courses involved with the GLHT minor.

After the presentation, we took a tour of DIT facilities, and it was great to see the many projects that students were working on. One theme that Dr. Msumba emphasized was how all students, regardless of major, were able to draw from the DIT design studio, using materials and resources there to refine their work. We drew parallels to our previous work at the OEDK at Rice, and enjoyed seeing how the students’ projects worked. Dr. Msumba put together this amazing graphic that I would love to share!

Infographic put together by Dr. Msumba!


Front of DIT campus


View from one of the buildings we toured.

Apart from our tour of DIT, this week has been spent on making progress on our projects. I have begun to learn how to use ATLAS.TI, a qualitative analysis software tool. Below is a sample picture of the initial process of the interview coding process. I went through the set of interviews (both ones that I have conducted and those that have been previously conducted by Donat), and identified themes and quotes that stuck out to me. Afterwards, I grouped them together into “buckets.” I am currently working on translating these written notes into the software tool, by creating different codes and going through interviews line-by-line. The codebook will definitely also need a lot of refinement and feedback from others before finalizing! I have also been working on some statistical analysis of the data that I extracted from the floor plans gathered by the NEST360 team. In the meantime, I am also enjoying learning about the other interns’ projects!

On the social side, we have had some great eats and experiences this past week, including some delicious momos and great coffee! Later in the week, we met up with a few members of the NEST360 team for dinner. I learned a lot about different public health initiatives during our conversations, and also gained some insights into the hidden politics that can accompany public health in our world. I especially enjoyed hearing about the NEST360 team’s history, and how they came to work at NEST360, along with projects that they have worked on.

Great momos! Will definitely be recommending for future interns :))


At Sawa Sawa Beach, where we met up with some NEST360 colleagues for dinner!

As I say in almost every post, time has flown by so fast, but I am incredibly grateful for the lunches and dinners that have provided the space to slow down and really reflect and learn on the work that we are doing. In the next few weeks, I will continue my work on both the qualitative and quantitative analysis, and also start preparing for a final presentation of my work. Until next time!


Week 2: Karibu! Asante!

Hello from Dar es Salaam! We arrived late in the night on June 21st and Dr. Christine Bohne’s driver, Josh, picked us up. Although we were exhausted after a full day of traveling, Josh took good care of us, relaying Christine’s words of advice and keeping the energy up on the drive to our airbnb. He taught us a few essential vocabulary on the way, explaining that “Karibu” means welcome and “Asante” means thank you. Once inside, we were greeted with a kind note and snacks from Christine, welcoming us into our new home for the next several weeks.

The next day, Josh helped us exchange cash and buy SIM cards before we met with Christine for the first time at lunch where she told us about her background, the incredible work she has been doing with NEST360, and general tips for living in the city. Together, we shared our reasons for working in global health, leaving me more resolute in my decision to pursue my Master’s in Public Health and work with like minded individuals. One of Christine’s suggestions was to become comfortable navigating within the city, which led to calling our first Bajaji, or rickshaw, to take us home!

Our first time hailing and riding in a Bajaji


Urojo (Zanzibar Mix)
Fried Cassava with Masala Powder

We met up with Christine again for dinner where she introduced us to the Slipway, her favorite evening spot. It was a lively place with an international crowd and music and conversation in every corner. In the background were the lapping waves of the Indian Ocean. Christine encouraged us to try a Tanzanian dish called Urojo, or Zanzibar Mix, which is a hot potato stew made with various spices. All of us remarked how comforting the dish was, reminiscent of an Indian kadhi, creating a sense of familiarity in a new environment. We also tried fried cassava with masala seasoning, introducing us to a root vegetable we would soon find across several restaurants.


On Friday, we attended the 11th annual Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Scientific Conference. Partners with the Tanzania Health Ministry spoke about their efforts at addressing maternal and neonatal health at a large conference hall packed with people. Some of the speakers were from NEST360, like Dr. Nahya Salim, who spoke about how most technology is not validated for newborns so by creating linkages with manufacturers, they can create quality improvement policies in this context. Her presentation was made even more meaningful by her introductory words about approaching care, it is “not about few of us, it’s about all of us together,” which I took to mean in the context of a global landscape. It is not just about the possibilities we can achieve in a high income country, but our ability to bring all people up to the same stage, low to middle income countries included.

A selfie at the conference with the lush greenery of Tanzania behind us (Shrutika, Me, and Ojas)

Feeling curious and enthusiastic,


1. Getting situated in Dar!

Dear reader,

I am relieved to share that, after over 20 hours of travel, I have made it to Dar es Salaam, TZ!

Our mentor Dr. Christine Bohne invited me and the two other interns Annika and Shrutika to a wonderful meal at Woodberry Cafe. We chatted about kicking off our projects in person (finally!) and tips to fight jet lag (melatonin is a must!).

Christine is such an inspiration to me, for many reasons, but among them is that she has a clear passion for integrating change into existing systems rather than trying to introduce a new “American” system into global settings. This principle will certainly guide me in my future endeavors to address health disparities. For my project on neonatal hypothermia prevention, it means supporting the public health researchers in Tanzania that have been working on these issues for years and collaborating to aid current hospital quality improvement teams.

Working at Woodberry Cafe

After some rich discussions about working in public health, Christine treated us to a dinner of some delicious local foods, including urojo (“Zanzibar mix”) and fried cassava. She explained that the coastal location of Dar makes it easy to access amazing spices.

Fried cassava
Urojo (Tanzanian dish)

In the following days, the NEST Tanzania team invited us to attend the 11th Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)Scientific Conference! There, I learned all about some of the pressing health issues and some innovative solutions teams are implementing. One project that stood out to me was m-mama, an emergency transport service that connects mothers in rural areas to quality care. I thought this affordable system is profound because in order to reduce maternal mortality mothers must be able to access the support they need. I look forward to hearing about more projects like this. When NEST presented, it was reaffirming to see that the project I am part of will be useful to the teams addressing hypothermia across neonatal wards.

Beautiful trees outside MUHAS scientific conference!

I can’t wait to tell you more about this journey!

With gratitude,

Week 5: Analysis & Alumni: July 8


It is somehow so difficult to believe that we are already into the month of July! The days fly by quickly, with much to do both at work and after. This past week, I have fully dived into interviews. I am mentored by Donat, a NEST360 and IHI team member who has spearheaded the infrastructure project thus far. Donat is an incredibly seasoned researcher who has guided me through the qualitative interview process, and I am so grateful that he has been taking the time out of his busy schedule to accompany me in the interviews. On Monday, July 3, I piloted my interview guide at one of the regional hospitals in Dar. My first set of interviews with nurses at the hospital were amazingly perceptive, and I learned so, so much in just a short period of time. My interviews focus on hospitals that have undergone neonatal unit renovations in recent years, so I honed in on learning challenges and improvements from both pre- and post- renovations. I also gained a lot of valuable feedback for my interview guide in terms of prompts and question order, that I implemented over the next few days in preparation for my second set of interviews later that week.

After my interviews, I worked on the transcription and a basic level of thematic analysis that will inform my future qualitative analysis. With more limited experience in anthropological research methods, I am leaning on Christine’s expertise and learning much from her. Apart from interviews and transcription, I have also been making headway on the data analysis portion of my project. David, a Rice360 Fellow, has made a template for floor plan information, into which I have been extracting from the Tanzania drawn plans. In the near future, I will be confirming and refining this data. I do not take photos of the hospital work, but I will include some pictures of my thematic analysis in the next post!

At the beginning of the week, on Sunday, July 2nd, we visited Haruka Maruyama, a Rice alumna who is the Tanzania country director of ICAP. Christine, who graduated from Rice actually just a year after Haruka, invited us to join their meetup on Sunday. It was great to make Owl connections halfway around the world, and learn how Rice was a decade before our time there. Haruka was also involved with Rice360 as a student in building devices, which was an amazing connection to the work that we have done in previous classes at Rice.Meeting with Haruka has reaffirmed my interests in connecting with the wider Rice alumni network, and learning about different pathways through there.

Photo: Rice meetup in Dar es Salaam!

Apart from the work that we have been doing here, we have also enjoyed some delicious food and gorgeous views. As the time flies by, I can’t help but notice what I will most definitely miss when I return to the U.S. On the top of the list is the convenience of calling a bajaji on the side of the road to easily get to my next destination. Another is definitely Slipway, with its gorgeous views of the ocean, beautiful architecture, and amazing food. A third will be the many work and study locations available, from the Ifakara Health Institute office to the plethora of cafes within walking distance.

Photo: Cafe at the Slipway, where we got some work done on Friday!


Photo: (Fake) elephant at one of my new favorite Indian restaurants.

In the next week, my interviews continue at hospitals in Dar. So far, I have been interviewing doctors and nurses who have been at their neonatal units pre- and post- renovation; I will continue this, and also interview one of the NEST360 data clerks in the upcoming days. Additionally, we will be visiting the Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology for a tour and to meet students and leaders there!

See you next week,


Week 4: Ifakara & Interviews: July 1


Welcome back again to my blog, and I am excited to share updates from our second week in Dar!

Bright and early on Monday morning, we visited the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) and met various members of the NEST360 and IHI team. It was such a pleasure to meet everyone and learn about their unique contributions to healthcare in Tanzania; QI specialists, statisticians, clinicians, and qualitative method masters were all present in the office, and they detailed the amazing work that they did at NEST.

Photo: With the amazing NEST360 team!!


Photo: My meal at the IHI canteen – it was delicious, and incredibly filling!

After introductions, we discussed our respective projects and outlined our immediate next steps. On the forefront was creating an interview guide, which will direct my upcoming interviews. Additionally, I am working on the extraction of data relevant to my project as well. We also scheduled a visit at a nearby hospital, so we could learn more about the neonatal unit there.

Thus, on Tuesday, we left for Mwananyamala Regional Referral Hospital, where we met up with Dr. Robert Tillya, a clinician from IHI and NEST360 (whom we had also been introduced to the day before). One of the aspects in particular that I internally took notes on was the infrastructure and overall space layout of the hospital. As this is also one of the hospitals that I will be conducting interviews at, I wanted to gain some perspective into the spatial advantages and limits of the current layout. Our conversations with the doctor-in-charge were incredibly insightful into this matter, and others as well, including challenges like hypothermia. One challenge the doctor noted was the lack of space for mothers to stay with their babies; they had to stay one floor up, due to limited space on the neonatal ward. Afterwards, we had the chance to speak with the biomedical technician on site, and learned about some of the issues causing a build up of unusable equipment in facilities, as well as many of the improvements taking place in the facility.

The visit to the neonatal unit was very informative, and it was interesting to expand on the literature that I had read online through an in-person example. It was also a great primer to a lot of the work that we will be doing this summer, and it helped with the development of questions for my interview guide. After the visit on Tuesday, we had the next few days to work on our project. As my first interview was coming up quickly, being scheduled for the following Monday (July 3), I focused on creating the interview guide and seeking feedback from the NEST360 team, as well as data extraction.

Among all of the new learning and new connections this week, Annika, Ojas, and I have still had tons of time to explore Dar! Our residence is located just a few steps away from tons of bustling cafes and restaurants, and we have had a blast exploring all that Dar has to offer. One of my favorite activities is to spot small differences from the overall culture in the U.S. versus in Tanzania, which I believe definitely shines through in restaurant life. In Dar, everything feels much slower-paced and calm; for example, the waiters won’t bring you the bill until you explicitly ask for it, and you can spend hours upon hours just chatting at your table after you finish eating. I’m not sure yet which “system” I prefer, but it’s definitely been fun pointing out small transitions in culture that we’ve noticed during our time here!

Photo: View inside Wild Flour Cafe, a greenhouse-style place to sit and work while enjoying some delicious coffee!

Next Monday, July 3, I will start conducting interviews at Temeke, one of the regional hospitals in Dar. Our time in Dar has moved incredibly fast so far, and I have truly enjoyed it and am excited for the next several weeks that are to come!


Week 3: Connections & Conversations: June 24


Karibu! This one word, spoken so warmly, has followed us around our time in Dar thus far. Whenever someone enters a new location, they are promptly greeted with this word, which means “Welcome” in Swahili (it also doubles as “you’re welcome” after someone says thank you!).

Welcome back to my blog, and I am coming to you from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania! We said our goodbyes to Dr. Taylor on Tuesday afternoon, and departed for Dar es Salaam later that night. After speed-walking through our layover airport, watching approximately five-and-a-half movies in-flight, and experiencing an eventful stopover in Zanzibar, I finally made it to Dar at 1 AM on Thursday, June 22.

Photo: The beautiful view from the airplane: window seat always!

In the morning, we promptly began becoming acclimated, heading to the currency exchange and SIM card offices to get situated. We then met with Dr. Christine Bohne, the Director of Quality Improvement Systems and our in-country mentor in Tanzania. Christine warmly welcomed us with our first meal in Dar at Woodberry Cafe, a beautiful cafe that has quickly become a favorite spot to work! We spent our lunch introducing ourselves and learning more about Christine’s work with NEST360, and had some amazing discussions on global health.

Photo: Entrance to Woodberry Cafe

I was definitely fighting off jet lag afterwards, but I tried to power through because we also went out for dinner with Christine later that night. She took us to The Slipway, a shopping and restaurant strip on the waterfront of the Indian Ocean with beautiful views and even more gorgeous food! Our first dinner meal in the country was a hearty soup called Urojo, or also known as Zanzibar Mix. Urojo was incredibly fascinating because it has roots and influences from so many cuisines, which you can taste when you dig in. From the fried bhajias, to the coconut broth base, to the spicy habanero spice served on the side, there was so much represented in just one meal.

Photo: Urojo, or Zanzibar mix!

After dinner, we headed back home to get some rest, as we had a busy day on Friday. On Friday, we had the amazing opportunity to attend a scientific conference organized by the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences. We were able to listen to NEST360 experts present their work on reducing maternal and neonatal mortality. Additionally, we were able to listen to presentations by other esteemed members of the community, including a representative from the Ministry of Health and a representative from M-Mama (an innovative app connecting emergency care services to pregnant women).

One of my favorite parts was during one of the final presentations; the speaker tied together all of the previous work presented, describing the “perinatal care continuum.” It was fascinating to not only understand the work being done, but also seeing how they all linked together across space and time. Some focused on gathering research information, while others focused on the implementation based on that information, and yet others focused on gathering feedback from the implementation. This provided me with a more thorough view of the full spread of work on maternal and neonatal mortality.

Thanks for tuning in!


0. Introductions

Dear reader, 

Welcome to the beginning of many musings! My name is Ojas and I am a rising junior at Rice studying cultural anthropology on the pre-med track with minors in global health technologies and biochemistry and cell biology. I know—that’s a mouthful. The point is that I am a prospective physician with a deep interest in the social elements of medicine. 

Honestly, I did not come to college with any background in global health. But, I was passionate about decolonization and dedicated to cross-cultural exchange. As a child of immigrants from India, a low-income country, I am familiar with many of the structural barriers to accessing care in some resource-constrained settings. But, in humility, I still have so much to learn and am learning every day. 

After discovering Rice360, I felt that I found my home. I found the place to gain unparalleled perspectives on health disparities and collaborate with scholars around the world.  Continue reading “0. Introductions”

Week 2: Preparations & Packing: June 17


The second week of orientation flew by just as fast as the first, and I am continuously awed by the wealth of insights that each of our group conversations bring. These past few days, I dove deeper into the history of the region and organizations that I will be working with. Prior to this research, I had never really stopped and thought about the background of a group that I was to work in, so I really appreciated this activity.

On the project forefront, I have been conducting a literature review on the impact of infrastructure on healthcare. The primary director of my work has been a toolkit co-developed by NEST360 and UNICEF. Dr. Christine Bohne, the in-country mentor for my project, pointed me towards an incredibly informative overview on infrastructure (linked here if you would like to read). I have used the abundance of resources available on the toolkit to understand my work, and I have also supplemented this knowledge through literature searches. Apart from the literature review, I have been familiarizing myself with the existing materials for this project. Overall, I hope to step into Dar next week with a more thorough background that can inform my field work here.

Finally, on the more social side, Dr. Taylor, Dr. Nejad, and all of the Rice360 interns enjoyed a very eventful team bonding activity at an escape room (we did not escape). I will definitely be missing the whole team as I prepare to go abroad with Ojas and Annika, but we’ve all promised to stay in touch and send updates (and pictures!!) throughout the summer. In my downtime, I’ve been packing and preparing for our departure next Tuesday, June 20th, which means a lot of paperwork and begging that my suitcase closes shut. I don’t have too many pictures from this week, but promise to include more in the future! Stay tuned for more parts, but next in Dar!


Week 1: Preparing for Tanzania!

Over the past week, the Rice 360 interns and I have been getting ready for our respective trips. In preparation, we have been training in various topics from ethics and respect to working with communities and assessing our value-based goals. We have also been learning more about our cohort and the diverse skills and motivations each person brings to their project.

In a week, I will be heading to Tanzania with Ojas and Shrutika! The three of us are working on interdisciplinary projects. The project I am working on is an analysis of the capacity of biomedical workshops in health facilities to maintain and repair medical equipment in Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania, and Nigeria. While in Tanzania, I will have the opportunity to visit these facilities and talk to the employees in the workshops to better understand their experience and inform my analysis. In Houston, I have been reading WHO guidelines for the assessing, procuring, and decommissioning medical devices in low to middle income countries (LMICs) to gain some perspective on the challenges they face and how they are advised to address it. I have also searched through the literature to gain a sense of the situation that most LMICs face regarding broken equipment and experience using the equipment they receive. Additionally, since this my first time analyzing a large dataset, I have been looking through the methodologies of some research papers to inform my own methods in this project.

Before working on this project, I had not considered that equipment maintenance could serve such a vital role in the hospital. As someone who is interested in the medical field, my conceptions around patient care have focused on the practice of medicine and the inclusion of social determinants of health into that criteria as a means to treat health. At a more fundamental level, the availability of resources and the built environment can become a barrier just as strong as any other. I hope that through my projects and those of my peers, I will gain a better understanding of the complex factors that contribute to patient care, remain humble in my own experiences of care, and be open to the experiences and knowledge of the people in Tanzania I have come to learn with.

One more week before we head out to Tanzania!

Feeling excited and contemplative,


7. Asante Sana!

I clearly remember my interviews for the Rice 360 Summer Internship. My first interview was with Dr. Leautaud, who told me more about the Tanzania internship. “Tanzania presents a unique challenge. It is a very new site, and all there is at DIT is an empty room with a few tables. Do you think you would be up for this challenge?”.

At that time, sitting in Dr. L’s 9th-floor office in the BRC, the answer seemed almost obvious to me. This internship excited me, aligned with my goals, and I was raring to go. “Of course! I understand why that can be very challenging, but the process has to begin somewhere! I would be excited to face that challenge and make the most of my opportunities to pave the way for the future of the internship!”

I often thought of this exchange while in Dar es Salaam, and it never failed to remind me of the big picture and provide perspective. It has now been two weeks since I have returned. I have gotten over jetlag, had multiple intense catch-up sessions with my parents, and have had a long time to reflect about my time in Dar es Salaam. As Dr. L predicted, this was a uniquely challenging internship. Here are my learnings from my time in Tanzania.

  • An image that I will never forget is the Muhimbili Hospital Equipment Graveyard. Near the biomedical technicians’ workshop were piles and piles of decrepit hospital equipment. Hospital beds, oxygen concentrators, suction pumps, all of brand names seen commonly in the US, lay in a mountain of metal and plastic. They were here because they simply didn’t work anymore. The hospitals had to make do with few working machines and were stretched for resources. Our interviews informed us of the crucial need for technology innovation made exclusively for the context. It seemed that technology manufactured for developed countries could not stand up to the stresses of a low resource hospital. Any new technology introduced has to consider the training of its users, the frequency and conditions of use, and maintenance routines to be effective in this hospital environment. This was summed up beautifully by Dr. Shah, a newly trained doctor who we interviewed, who used a quintessentially Indian reference to explain this to us- “You can’t drive a Ferrari on a road meant for a Maruti”. I will bring back to Rice a deeper understanding of the design criteria that would make technology suitable and sustainable for a low resource setting.
The Muhimbili Hospital Equipment Graveyard
  • On our first visit to Amana Hospital, Dr. Mafele asked us to prove ourselves. I immediately began to worry. Our group of six engineers had little experience with repairing medical equipment. We had limited knowledge about the context at Amana Hospital. Would we be able to convince Dr. Mafele that we were worth our salt? A month later, after having fixed multiple items of hospital equipment, developed recommendations and presented project prototypes, Dr. Mafele said: “Yes, you have proven yourself”. Apart from being incredibly proud of our team, my belief in our abilities as engineers was affirmed. We combined our different skills and experiences with our common passion and knack for problem-solving to give our best to help Amana Hospital. I remember standing in the neonatal ward, looking at the tiny babies, with the cries of infants punctuating our conversation with the nurse. She wanted the oxygen concentrator we repaired to be calibrated as soon as possible so she could use it on the babies. It struck me that a simple soldered connection to repair the concentrator could save the lives of these children. I bring back to Rice an appreciation for the need to establish trust and credibility and an unshakable belief in the capacity of engineers to touch lives.


  • I remember a conversation with Matthew over dinner at the City Mall Food Court approximately halfway through our internship. While our peers in Brazil and Malawi already had projects, we had yet to go on our first hospital visit. Julia was untiringly following hospital leads, visiting with letter after letter, and the bureaucracy and paperwork that came with a new hospital relationship was simply taking time. We were restless and were venting our frustrations to each other. I was relieved that we were on the same page, and I realized that I simply had to be patient, trust the process, and wait. This proved to be particularly difficult in the unfamiliar environment – work is often my crutch to cling on to a sense of familiarity and normalcy. Instead, we poured our time into the design studio, working on team building, writing shopping lists of tools for the studio and making multiple trips into Kariakoo to buy these tools. When we eventually had our projects, we worked like a well-oiled machine and had a fully stocked design studio with materials for our projects. I bring back to Rice an appreciation for going at the pace that the situation demands and satisfaction for having contributed to the set-up of the DIT Design Studio.


  • We began our days at the Design Studio with Pictionary. Julia thought it would help us with our non-verbal communication, so every morning, we would arrive at the studio to be divided into two teams and engage in a fiercely competitive game. It always struck me how effective this was in bringing us closer and improving our communication. We left every game having learned something new about each other. Over meals in the DIT canteen and trips to Kariakoo, we shared our varied experiences and found common ground. The world seemed so small – the things that bound us seemed to be universal. The Tanzanian interns were well versed in the Bollywood classics, Julia’s ‘hype music’ playlist transcended language boundaries and never failed to put us all in a good mood, and I enjoyed finding words that meant the same in both Hindi and Swahili. I bring back to Rice an appreciation for how similar we truly are and six new friends.
Our team of six + Julia after our final presentation to the DIT Faculty
  • Three years ago, I watched a video about Dr. Richards-Kortum and Dr. Oden’s work in Malawi and it inspired me to apply to Rice. After having spent two months in Tanzania, I have immense appreciation for the vision of Rice 360. I feel like I have come full circle. I return to Rice a changed person- inspired and grateful for this opportunity. I was so honored to have been given this opportunity, and I have been incredibly lucky to have had the experiences and met the people that I did. DIT and Dar es Salaam welcomed us with open arms and excellent weather. I am proud of the work and progress we made this summer, and the united front with which Matthew and I faced every challenge. I am sure the DIT Design Studio and our relationship with Amana and Muhimbili Hospitals will continue to grow, and I am so excited for the future of this internship. My time in Tanzania stretched my abilities. I return to Rice motivated and ready to learn and grow.

I would like to thank the donors for their support to the internship and to Rice 360. None of this would have been possible without them.

In true Tanzanian fashion, Asante Sana!